Category: The Break Room

  • Coaching Cue: “Exhale Through The Hard Part”

    “I never know how to breathe” is a common thing I hear when coaching. Each movement may require a different breathing strategy for the client. It’s your job to assess that, and coach them on how to breathe. How much tension do they need? Is the movement compound or isolated? How heavy? Any physiological considerations?…

  • Sometimes Not Helping is Most Helpful

    Here at Iron Legion, we have a strong network of providers we trust when our client’s need something that is beyond our scope of practice. This blog by Dr. Phil Finemore is a great topic to discuss. Ultimately as coaches, we all have one goal in mind, which is to help the person in front…

  • Coaching Cue: Listen

    Something that has not been touched on a lot here in the blog is the art of coaching. Yes, we want to be technically trained, and we absolutely need to seek continuing education in order to better our technical knowledge. BUT there is one skill in coaching that stands out for all the greatest coaches…